Sunday, April 17, 2016


Rio and Mateo's chickies took a field trip to TISA! Bobbie, Tweetie and Hot Sauce were a bunch of fluffy fun!

The children made observations on the chickies and recorded their findings in their sketchbooks

Thank you for your enthusiastic support of our puppeteers. The two stories -- Anansi and the Sky God and How Rabbit tricked Lion --  were well received indeed!
A special "thank you" to all of you who made this production possible on Donors Choose.

We will be having an encore performance on Monday for TISA kids. If you'd like to attend, please let me know at drop-off, so I can give you the schedule (TBA).

Here is a back-stage peek at the process... I'd love to post your photos/video clips on our blog. Feel free to email them to me.

Upcoming performances:
WEDNESDAY, April 20, 3:15 in kinder room: FLAMENCO!  - Julia Fernandez, our talented and passionate dance teacher is inviting you all to the children's short flamenco presentation. Ole!
Suggested costume: Julia is requesting that your child wear / bring black and white clothing for the event.
THURSDAY, April 28, 3:30 in kinder room: THE FIVE WOLVES AND THE BIG BAD PIGS -- John Biscello, Ashleigh Gryncer and Julia Fernandez collaborated on a silly twist on the traditional tale.
MAY 19: all day field trip to Ghost Ranch (please email me if you'd like to chaperon -- there are a couple spots left)

April 19 (this Tuesday) our Going Green fundraiser is due
Please sign your photo permission slip in class for Donors Choose if you haven't had a chance to do so yet.
Tickles takes a summer vacation! Our class pet, Tickles will need a summer home from the beginning of June through the beginning of August. Please let me know if you are interested in helping with that.
Our treasure chest could use a last stash. Thank you!

BEHAVIOR -- spring fever alert!
As the temperature climbs higher and the days lengthen, the children are getting more boisterous, more distracted and more physical.
Here are a few things that you can do to keep this giddy, impulsive seasonal behavior in check:
Please talk to your child about why you value school and why you are sending her/him to school. How about sharing a story or two about your school experiences (the good and the bad) too? 
Remind your child to keep HANDS TO SELF (versus hitting, kicking, yanking, etc.)
When things get rough, USE WORDS instead of muscles.
Here are a few hints:
acceptable:"I am mad."     versus: "You are so mean!"
acceptable" "I don't like that."    instead of: "I hate you. I am not your friend."
acceptable  "Please stop."  not such a good choice: "If you don't stop crying, I will kick you."
acceptable  "How about.... (negotiating with an offer/suggestion)."  
Remember, it's OK to walk away to get help from a teacher.
Remind your child to stay safe (staying with the group)
Please ask your child to abide by school rules, listen to their teachers, and follow directions.
​Planning a family celebration for the end of kindergarten and thinking of a few incentives to keep up with the good work might also help.

This is the time of year when school lotteries are happening. I absolutely respect your decision regarding your child's schooling. However, switching schools is a touchy subject that creates confusion and sends mixed messages to the children, so I ask that you please keep that information confidential so it does not disrupt our class community.

THIS WEEK'S HOMEWORK (please get your copies in class):

What is the longest thing in your house? Can you measure how many feet it is?
What is the heaviest thing in your house? Can you weigh it?
What is the lightest thing in your house? What does it do when you blow on it?
Please write and draw what you find out.

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