Do on Monday (Due on Tuesday): practice letter naming and reading short words / nonsense words
Do on Tuesday (due on Wednesday): draw/write or show 3 things to make with eggs
Do on Wednesday (due on Thursday): write down the ingredients for a simple recipe that uses eggs (use numbers for how much of each ingredient you need)
Letter of the week: Ee
Uppercase: start in left corner (crooked), slide, frog jump, cross, hop, cross, hop, cross
Lowercase: start in the middle of the tunnel, whoops, swinging
DIBELS -- reading assessment
benchmarks assessed on Wednesday: letter identification, first sound, sounding out all sounds in words, nonsense words, vocabulary (matching word and picture)
Parent-Teacher Conferences with Students, next Monday and Tuesday
I commend you all for being so mindful
of your conference time!
Since students are participating in the conferences,
school is not in session and childcare is not available
on conference days.
Please let me know by January 27th (Wd)
if alternate arrangements need to be made for your family.
of your conference time!
Since students are participating in the conferences,
school is not in session and childcare is not available
on conference days.
Please let me know by January 27th (Wd)
if alternate arrangements need to be made for your family.
I look forward to seeing you and your child.
If you have yet to do so, you are welcome to sign up in class or online:
Pizza Thursday!
Our next pizza day is Thursday 1/28. Please hand in your money to your teacher no later than Tuesday morning, 1/26.
Our next pizza day is Thursday 1/28. Please hand in your money to your teacher no later than Tuesday morning, 1/26.
Don't forget to include: Name, Grade, # of Slices, Cheese or Pepperoni, and Amount Enclosed
(cost is $2/slice)
(cost is $2/slice)