Sunday, January 24, 2016


Do on Monday (Due on Tuesday): practice letter naming and reading short words / nonsense words
Do on Tuesday (due on Wednesday): draw/write or show 3 things to make with eggs
Do on Wednesday (due on Thursday): write down the ingredients for a simple recipe that uses eggs (use numbers for how much of each ingredient you need)

Letter of the week: Ee
Uppercase: start in left corner (crooked), slide, frog jump, cross, hop, cross, hop, cross
Lowercase: start in the middle of the tunnel,  whoops, swinging

DIBELS -- reading assessment
benchmarks assessed on Wednesday: letter identification, first sound, sounding out all sounds in words, nonsense words, vocabulary (matching word and picture)

Parent-Teacher Conferences with Students, next Monday and Tuesday
I commend you all for being so mindful
of your conference time!
Since students are participating in the conferences,
school is not in session and childcare is not available
on conference days.
Please let me know by January 27th (Wd)
if alternate arrangements need to be made for your family.
I look forward to seeing you and your child.
If you have yet to do so, you are welcome to sign up in class or online:

Pizza Thursday!
Our next pizza day is Thursday 1/28.  Please hand in your money to your teacher no later than Tuesday morning, 1/26.  
Don't forget to include: Name, Grade, # of Slices, Cheese or Pepperoni, and  Amount Enclosed
(cost is $2/slice)
Sponsorships are still available! 

Fantastic TISA Fundraiser this Saturday! I can't wait! 

Last week's amazing trip to the Harwood Museum 

 We viewed the sculpture in front of the Harwood, which was created by John Suazo, Quintin's grandpa! 

Monday, January 18, 2016


This week's homework:
Do on Tuesday (due on Wednesday): find the date for today on the calendar at home. Then show that number with tally marks (you can draw lines or use what you have at home)
Do on Wednesday (due on Thursday): find words or objects in magazines that have a K in them. Glue them into a K collage and bring it to school.

please bring back towels, placemats and water bottles for school.

Winter layers!
Kids are happiest dry! Waterproof footwear and waterproof gloves/mittens please.
Please remind your child to put on socks and underwear too!
And remember Murphy's rule: if it can get lost, mixed up or mismatched, it will. Labeling winter items is a great idea.

Letter of the week: Kk
(I call K the lazy letter because it always makes the hard K sound, but most of the time C is the one that ends up doing the job.)

Art club now on Tuesdays only -- the magic of felt: softening rocks!

TISA's fun fundraiser, January 30 at Taos Mesa Brewery.
Clan Tynker is a Santa Fe based circus/acrobat/magic troop. My children and I have been a fan of theirs for about a decade and have seen them at Holiday Fairs and Renaissance Fests. So exciting to have them just down the road!
Big Swing Theory is entertaining us absolutely for free after Clan Tynker. What a great winter evening!

DIBELS reading assessment date: January 27

And what have we been up to in the new year? Here is a photo journal of the first two weeks.

Tallying in math

Using Megabloks to blend sounds and create words

Rabbit's Snow Dance (story illustration)

A fluffy visit from Jasper's Mustache and Piano 

A super proud reader!

Birds of Peace -- in celebration of MLK Day

Birds of Peace
with our wishes on their wings.
What would make a more peaceful world?
no trash
petting doggy
and of course, Taos Java!

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Welcome back to school!

Check us out in the paper!
Kinder and Miss Jutka were in last week's Taos News, thanks to TISA Talks' eager eighth-grade reporters, Alexis Salazar and Skylar Spriggs. Pond hockey, by the way, was all the rage during the break among the Taos Ice Tigers. Us, heroic hockey parents shoveled relentlessly until a giant patch of ice was uncovered for pick-up games and pirouettes on the pond in Des Montes, where Taos hockey started in the early '90s. Now that the ice got buried deep under some fresh powder, it's back to man-made ice.

Please welcome Samuel, the new student this week in class! We are all excited to meet our new friend.

Do on Monday (due on Tuesday):  Please practice winter gear skills (turning coat/sweatshirt rightside out, zipping, buttoning, putting gloves on).
Do on Tuesday (due on Wednesday): Can you help pair up and count socks/mittens/shoes/boots at home? How many mittens can you find? Socks? Does your family have more boots or more hats?
You can draw/make a picture/photo and write the numbers down.
Do on Wednesday (due on Thursday):  January DIBELS letter recognition and nonsense word sheets (hanging in pouch on classroom door)

Letter of the week:  R r
R: starts upper left (crooked start); slide, frog jump, swing to middle, kick/slant/diagonal
r: starts upper left in tunnel (crooked start); slide, climb, bend (remember not to lift hand when writing lowercase letters)

DIBELS testing will be happening between January 20 and January 29. Please refer to the DIBELS entry on our blog to familiarize yourself with the process. I will be assessing students on letter naming (goal: 60 per minute), first sound naming, reading three-letter nonsense words, and sounding out words.

Harwood Museum -- scheduled for January 19 (am).  Chaperons are welcome (gallery visit and monoprint workshop).

ART CLUB Schedule change:
The art club will be offered ONLY on Tuesdays beginning this week. We will be working with wool, starting with felting over rocks! If your child was in the Thursday section, you are welcome to switch to Tuesdays!